Tickets for our Melbourne Cup Luncheon are on sale now!

Discover the latest trends during the Fashion Parade hosted by Markus Hamence with designs by Two Pairs, Jack London and Couture Love Madness.

Tickets also include:

• Live race coverage

• An auction for your chance to win some fantastic prizes

• On site bookie to place your last minute bets

• Entry to the After Party with complimentary oysters and martinis available

But be QUICK! Our Melbourne Cup Luncheon has sold out for the past 3 years and tickets are limited!

There are a number of ways that you can book your seats for our 2017 Melbourne Cup Luncheon:

BOOK ONLINE – all online bookings require the payment in full to process the booking and confirm your seats. You will be prompt to supply details for all tickets, including names and dietary requirements. If you have not yet confirmed your guests, but wish to place your booking, you can simply copy your details into the required fields and a Little Heroes Foundation staff member will contact you closer to the event to confirm these details with you.

BOOK OVER THE PHONE/VIA EMAIL ( – Little Heroes Foundation can accept payments over the phone, or we can arrange an invoice for you at the time of your booking.

Our office number is (08) 8161 6025. Our working hours are 9am – 5pm weekdays.