Huge Breakthrough in Funding For Childhood Dementia

We are thrilled to announce the $500,000 funding for Childhood Dementia.

SA Premier Peter Malinauskas announced the Labour Party will commit $250 000 to match $250 000 from Little Heroes Foundation to go directly to Childhood Dementia research at Flinders University here in South Australia.
It guarantees a further 4 years in search of treatments and an eventual cure for this currently untreatable condition.
We thank him and his party for hearing the cries for help. It would not have happened without the support and commitment of Sarah Game MLC.

Sarah and I have known each other for 18 months and her passion, drive and honesty cannot be overstated in these negotiations. We are in debt to her for life!
As we are the Premier who as a young father himself totally understands the urgent need for support from everybody to assist the long road to finding a cure.

Little Heroes Foundation is 100% committed to this journey and will contribute as much of our resources as possible to it for as long as it takes.

That is my promise to you and just as importantly to the families that need hope.
We exist to give them hope.

All 130 of them here in SA.
Al 2300 of them in Australia.
All 700 000 of them around the world.
This $500 000 joint commitment is a great start to a long journey and I encourage as many of you as possible to help, if you can.

Every dollar counts and LHF promises to recognise any support we receive as much as we can along the way.

I would also like to thank Professor Kim Hemsley from Flinders University who has the controls of the Research, Health Minister Chris Picton for his ongoing support and most importantly “super mum” Renee Staska.

Many of you will know Renee, seen her at one of our events and heard her share her story.
There is no more courageous person on this earth, and we have got her back for as long as she wants us.

Special thanks to Triple M and their Breaky crew of Roo, Ditts and Loz for kick starting the fundraising with their Hike for Hope last year that raised over $110 000.

And to all the media for sharing our story.
It has only just begun but there will be a cure one day.

Let’s make that day sooner rather than later.

Chris McDermott