Giddy Up! Melbourne Cup Luncheon raises over $80,000 for Little Heroes!

Over 360 guests joined us at the National Wine Centre for a fun-filled day, supporting our Little Heroes. Thanks to the outstanding National Wine Centre staff, AV PlusThe Wonderland Company, SmartPosts, and our events team, Hickinbotham Hall looked amazing!

The Lolly Bar and Donut Wall proved to be a huge hit with our guests, thanks to The Wonderland Company, Vili’s and Sweet Designs Buffet.

As our way of saying thank you, all of our guests received special gift bags with Davroe Hair Wellness products, exclusive vouchers from our designers and more!

Our guests had some special visitors in the morning, with some dressed up greyhounds joining them in the Wine Centre courtyard! These lovely pets and their owners were invited to attend the day to raise awareness for the Greyhound Adoption Program of South Australia, and they were certainly quite a hit with our guests!

Channel 7/Today Tonight’s Rosanna Mangiarelli returned at our MC for the day, who helped kick off the day with a stunning fashion parade! The parade featured designs by Two PairsCouture Love MadnessVacay Swimwear and Oxford Menswear. A big thank you to Markus Hamence for again organising the amazing parade, as well as RMT Model Management and Davroe Haircare.

To accompany the 3 course lunch by the National Wine Centre chefs, our gyests enjoyed some delicious wines by one of our major sponsors – Paracombe Wines. Throughout the day, guests also had the opportunity to purchase some premium wines from our Wine Wall and also for the chance to win a pair of silver diamond earrings, valued at $350, donated by Diamond Design Studios. The lovely Sonya from Nutrimetics was also set up for the day, offering free makeup touch ups for our guests.