Have you decided to become a fundraiser for the Little Heroes Foundation? Or perhaps you’ve already held fundraisers for us before, but you’ve run out of ideas?

We’re always so grateful for all the help and support we get. However, we understand how hard it can be to come up with fresh and exciting fundraising ideas. There are so many ways you could go about getting the word out there about our cause, but sometimes it’s worthwhile thinking up something a little more unique than your standard fun run or lunch.

To help you out, we’ve come up with a few fun and creative ideas that you could try for your next fundraiser!

Bake Sale or Morning Tea

Baking lamingtons, cakes, slices or biscuits and selling them is a fun way to raise funds and enjoy a break with your friends and colleagues.

For schools, you could get a whole class involved with picking out recipes, baking goodies, and getting involved in some meaningful community work. Be sure to get permission from your school first though, and understand that food allergies must be considered in a school environment.

Movie Night

A movie night can work for people of all ages. Get in touch with your local cinema, see what movies are coming out soon and think about who you want to come along. Family movies are always a big hit, but a ladies night at the movies can always be a popular way to go too! There are lots of ways you can add to a movie night to increase the donations you receive, including getting some goodies donated to raffle off or give away as a door prize.

Let your creativity run wild, and be sure to allow some time to organise your night and sell tickets!

Treasure Hunt

Consider raising funds by hosting a city-wide treasure hunt. Think of how much fun it would be racing through the streets of your city to solve puzzles and find clues. To host this type of event, each entrant pays a donation to be part of the treasure hunt experience. Best of all, there are little or no overhead costs in most cases beyond promoting the event.

To make the whole process of creating and running a treasure hunt even easier, try out Actionbound. With Actionbound you can create your very own treasure hunt through your browser and participants simply need to download the app onto their phone to play along with the treasure hunt. Thanks to technology like this, making and running a real-world treasure hunt is so easy to do.

People can group up into teams or compete with each other individually and whoever completes the treasure hunt first will receive a prize at the end.

Trampoline Bounce-a-thon

trampoline bounce-a-thon is a great way to get everyone active and moving in a fun way. It’s an awesome variation on the standard fun run, and who doesn’t love the carefree enjoyment you can gain by simply jumping on a trampoline! So how does it work?

Essentially this fundraiser is a type of endurance test. Every contestant who enters collects money from sponsors for participating in the event. The person who remains bouncing on a trampoline for the longest could also receive a prize for their achievement. A trampoline bounce-a-thon will create a competitive atmosphere for contestants, and it’s bound to be good fun for spectators to watch too.

If you think a trampoline bounce-a-thon is a great idea for your fundraising event, our good friends at Vuly have a fantastic range of Vuly Play trampolines for reliable and safe trampolines that are durable enough to withstand high endurance bouncing.

Head Shave

For children living with cancer or serious illness, life comes first and appearances come second. By shaving your head, you can not only raise some much needed funds to help these children, but you are also showing your support for them by putting your appearance second too.

In 2014, Anna Meares shaved her head in support of our Little Heroes and raised over $200,000 in the process. Anna demonstrated that a simple idea can have big results.

Quiz Night

Each year, Little Heroes Foundation hosts a fundraising quiz night for our Adventure Tour team, but that doesn’t mean you can’t host one of your own! Whether it’s family versus family or class against class, Quiz Nights are a great, easy and competitive way to raise funds.

There are lots of businesses that can help you organise a quiz night for a small per head cost that can easily be factored into your ticket prices. Or you can always get a table together for our annual Quiz Night that we host with our Adventure Tour participants.

Take on a Personal Challenge

Taking on a personal challenge can be very rewarding for you, and fundraising is a great way to make sure you stick to your goals and at the same time, make a difference to the lives of our Little Heroes. A personal challenge can be anything from hiking a mountain, running in a popular event like City to Bay, quitting smoking, and riding your bike a certain distance.

This is another opportunity to let your creativity run wild, and thanks to Go Fundraise’s ability to integrate with Facebook and Strava ( a fitness tracking app on your phone) you can keep your friends and family easily up to date with your progress!

Ugly Sweater Party

When winter rolls around, we all like to rug up in a cosy and warm jumper, but have you ever been game enough to wear that one ugly sweater you own out in public? Well, you’ll be able to whip it out and celebrate it by hosting an ugly sweater party. This is a trend that has become extremely popular around Christmas time in the states, but there’s no reason why we can’t join in the fun too.

If you host an event like this as a fundraiser, everyone coming along to the party will pay a donation. You could even host an ugly sweater competition at the event with the most obnoxious sweater receiving a prize.

Hosting Your Own Fundraiser

If you do decide to put one of these ideas into practice, let us know! We’d love to help you however we can to ensure you  hear how it went. Also, if you have any other great fundraiser ideas, share them with us, and we’ll spread the word. We’re always open to new ways to boost awareness and raise more much-needed donations.

Before you start a Little Heroes fundraiser of your own, remember to take a look at our fundraising guidelines. Also, if you opt for holding any of these fundraisers in a public park, local government/council permission is needed, but our team at Little Heroes Foundation can easily help you with this process.

If you’re keen to be a fundraiser but haven’t signed up yet, head over to our be a fundraiser page, fill in our application form, and you’ll be all set!