And they’re off! Kokoda Trekkers leave for Papua New Guinea
Team Kokoda is officially off to conquer the infamous trek in Papua New Guinea, flying out of Adelaide over the weekend and we couldn’t be more proud of this amazing group of people!
From all walks of life, they have come together for a common cause that’s close to all our hearts – our Little Heroes! Over the months, we have raised over $72,000 and we need your help to reach our $75,000 target!
Our trekkers will now be without any mobile reception, so be sure to leave a donation and message of support on their page by clicking their profile picture below!
Our 2017 Kokoda Team!
Remember, your support for this fundraiser will make a difference to the lives of seriously ill children, by providing funding for our Little Heroes Care Program. Over 145 families are supported by this program alone each year, with countless more benefitting from our funded projects at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Your donations help us continue providing essential equipment and services for SA’s Little Heroes!