All Hands on Deck for Flotilla for Kids

From the team at Little Heroes Foundation, we hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. It’s all hands on deck for our first event of the year on Sunday February 5th – Flotilla for Kids!

This event sees a colourful and spectacular flotilla of boats that are ‘themed and decorated’ motoring up the Port River from Outer Harbor into the heart of Port Adelaide. The boats will then circle to ‘salute the crowd’ wharfside in Inner Harbour.

Flotilla for Kids is a fun day out for seriously ill children and their families to participate in the largest flotilla of boats ever seen on the Port River. Plus there will be plenty of land-based entertainment for those watching from the dock with the Wild at Hart Markets and the Semaphore Market Association joining forces to bring the best local businesses down to the wharf!

The weather is looking like it’s on our side in 2017, with the long range forecast showing a top of 26º and mostly sunny predicted for the day! Perfect weather to take the boat out!

Register now and start fundraising to support seriously ill children and their families living in SA.

Our registration packs will be distributed in the next few days, with all registrations received before/on Monday 30th January included in the delivery. Registrations received after Monday 30th January will be required to collect their registration packs from either the Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron and Cruising Yacht Club on the day of Flotilla.

Please note: registration is only necessary for people wishing to enter a boat. Spectators are invited to come down to Port Adelaide and enjoy the day along with the wharfside markets and watch the Flotilla sail past.

Details on the timing for the day will be included in registration packs. For spectators, watch this space for details closer to the event, including road closures, flotilla arrival times, etc.

Little Heroes Foundation would like to thank the community at Port Adelaide for continuing to support this event, as well as many local businesses who are donating their products or services for our Little Heroes to enjoy, including:


Flotilla for Kids is proudly sponsored by: