To our sponsors, supporters, families, friends and all other South Australians.

In recent days you may have heard me speak on radio, TV and in the paper on the current state of Little Heroes Foundation and I just wanted to inform you all personally to let you know what reality is for us.

After nearly 24 years and having raised in excess of $35 million, the future of Little Heroes Foundation is uncertain.

We have never been in such a difficult position where our financial resources have dried up almost completely and our ability to do what we do as a not-for-profit has been compromised.

We are not certain the Foundation will still be operating by June 30, 2020.

Operating is not existing, operating for me is to be doing a service to the seriously ill children in SA and while we have moved away from the WCH we have formed a great friendship with Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation. We are also proud to announce that we are working in conjunction with Radiation Oncology in SA, providing funds for a Research Nurse to bring an exciting international paediatric, adolescent and young adult cancer registry to the new Proton Therapy Centre due for completion in 2022. This registry will compare both the short and long term benefits of radiotherapy treatment, assess the quality of life, and describe the patterns of care for these patients.

20 years ago, cancer was considered to be the most serious health crisis we were facing, today it is the mental health of our population. Children included.

We are as committed as we can be to help in this area.

I must mention, we have been respectful to the many Australians suffering through the recent bushfires and have stayed quiet to allow them the space to raise the funds they desperately need, but after 2 months we need to re-engage and get back to doing what we have always done well – fundraise.

So, I trust that clears any confusion and informs you on what is real for us.

If you can help, I thank you, and if you can’t, I thank you for everything you have done.

I trust you feel comfortable in how we have treated your contributions.

Thanks again.

Chris McDermott

Founder and Chairman of LHF.